struct RequestForPositionsAck¶
FIX RequestForPositionsAck <AO> message.
The Request for Positions Ack message is returned by the holder of the position in response to a Request For Positions <AN> message. The purpose of the message is to acknowledge that a request has been received and is being processed.
Public Functions
std::span<std::byte const> encode(roq::fix::Header const&, std::span<std::byte> const &buffer) const¶
Encode to buffer.
bool is_valid() const¶
Validate if message contains all required fields.
Public Members
std::string_view pos_maint_rpt_id¶
PosMaintRptID <721> (required)
std::string_view pos_req_id¶
PosReqId <710>
uint32_t total_num_pos_reports = {}¶
TotalNumPosReports <727>
bool unsolicited_indicator = false¶
UnsolicitedIndicator <325>
roq::fix::PosReqResult pos_req_result = {}¶
PosReqResult <728> (required)
roq::fix::PosReqStatus pos_req_status = {}¶
PosReqStatus <729> (required)
std::span<roq::codec::fix::Party const> no_party_ids¶
NoPartyIDS <453> (required)
std::string_view account¶
Account <1> (required)
roq::fix::AccountType account_type = {}¶
AccountType <581> (required)
std::string_view text¶
Text <58>
Public Static Functions
static RequestForPositionsAck create(roq::fix::Message const&, std::span<std::byte> const &data)¶
std::span<std::byte const> encode(roq::fix::Header const&, std::span<std::byte> const &buffer) const¶