struct ExecutionReport¶
FIX ExecutionReport <8> message.
This message is used to report current status of an order.
Public Functions
std::span<std::byte const> encode(roq::fix::Header const&, std::span<std::byte> const &buffer) const¶
Encode to buffer.
bool is_valid() const¶
Validate if message contains all required fields.
Public Members
std::string_view order_id¶
OrderID <37> (required)
std::string_view secondary_cl_ord_id¶
SecondaryClOrdID <526>
std::string_view cl_ord_id¶
ClOrdID <11>
std::string_view orig_cl_ord_id¶
OrigClOrdID <41>
std::string_view ord_status_req_id¶
OrdStatusReqID <790>
std::string_view mass_status_req_id¶
MassStatusReqID <584>
uint32_t tot_num_reports = {}¶
TotNumReports <911>
bool last_rpt_requested = false¶
LastRptRequested <912>
std::span<roq::codec::fix::Party const> no_party_ids¶
NoPartyIDS <453>
std::string_view exec_id¶
ExecID <17> (required)
bool working_indicator = false¶
WorkingIndicator <636>
roq::fix::OrdRejReason ord_rej_reason = {}¶
OrdRejReason <103>
std::string_view account¶
Account <1>
roq::fix::AccountType account_type = {}¶
AccountType <581>
std::string_view symbol¶
Symbol <55> (required)
std::string_view security_exchange¶
SecurityExchange <207> (required)
roq::fix::QtyType qty_type = {}¶
QtyType <854>
roq::Decimal order_qty = {}¶
OrderQty <38>
roq::Decimal price = {}¶
Price <44>
roq::Decimal stop_px = {}¶
StopPx <99>
std::string_view currency¶
Currency <15>
roq::fix::TimeInForce time_in_force = {}¶
TimeInForce <59>
std::string_view exec_inst¶
ExecInst <18>
roq::Decimal last_qty = {}¶
LastQty <32>
roq::Decimal last_px = {}¶
LastPx <31>
std::string_view trading_session_id¶
TradingSessionID <336>
roq::Decimal leaves_qty = {}¶
LeavesQty <151> (required)
roq::Decimal cum_qty = {}¶
CumQty <14> (required)
roq::Decimal avg_px = {}¶
AvgPx <6> (required)
std::chrono::milliseconds transact_time = {}¶
TransactTime <60>
roq::fix::PositionEffect position_effect = {}¶
PositionEffect <77>
roq::Decimal max_show = {}¶
MaxShow <210>
std::string_view text¶
Text <58>
roq::fix::LastLiquidityInd last_liquidity_ind = {}¶
LastLiquidityInd <851>
Public Static Functions
static ExecutionReport create(roq::fix::Message const&, std::span<std::byte> const &data)¶
std::span<std::byte const> encode(roq::fix::Header const&, std::span<std::byte> const &buffer) const¶