
struct RequestForPositions#

FIX RequestForPositions <AN> message.

This message is used to request position reports.

Public Functions

std::span<std::byte const> encode(roq::fix::Header const&, std::span<std::byte> const &buffer) const#

Encode to buffer.

bool is_valid() const#

Validate if message contains all required fields.

Public Members

std::string_view pos_req_id#

PosReqId <710> (required)

roq::fix::PosReqType pos_req_type = {}#

PosReqType <724> (required)

roq::fix::SubscriptionRequestType subscription_request_type = {}#

SubscriptionRequestType <263>

std::span<Party const> no_party_ids#

NoPartyIDS <453> (required)

std::string_view account#

Account <1> (required)

roq::fix::AccountType account_type = {}#

AccountType <581> (required)

std::string_view currency#

Currency <15>

std::string_view symbol#

Symbol <55>

std::string_view security_exchange#

SecurityExchange <207>

std::chrono::year_month_day clearing_business_date = {}#

ClearingBusinessDate <715> (required)

std::span<TradingSession const> no_trading_sessions#

NoTradingSessions <386>

std::chrono::milliseconds transact_time = {}#

TransactTime <60> (required)

Public Static Functions

static RequestForPositions create(roq::fix::Message const&, std::span<std::byte> const &data)#
